500 Turkeys

Feeding Families Food & Faith

2023 proved to be a GOD SIZED challenge for everyone. With all that was in front of us, God went before us.  Through Him and amazing community support, over 1500 families were fed.  We would be honored to have you join us this year to continue the blessings and serve those the Lord brings to us. 

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The Journey of 500 Turkeys

In 2009, God planted our mission of providing an entire Thanksgiving meal for 500 families for Thanksgiving.  Through over 500 volunteers and trust in God, we were able to provide the food necessary, money for the turkeys and $5 for each recipient!
In 2010, God proved himself worthy of all of our praise once again! Through the tireless effort of our volunteers, we were able to raise the food and funds necessary for another 500 meals at Thanksgiving.
In 2011, we upped the challenge to include TWO of every side item in the box. That’s 1,000 items on top of the 500 Turkeys!  As an added bonus, we started collecting and gifting donated clothing to these same families.
In 2012, the bar was raised again by God’s provision of extra boxes and collections that helped us feed & clothe nearly 600 families.
In 2013, our goal  was to feed & clothe 700+ Northern Indiana families in need.  That goal was met with the grace and support of our community.
2014, we set the goal and it was exceeded again.  The community made it possible to feed & clothe 912 total families. WOW!
2015, God provided more than we could have imagined or hoped for.  With generous donors, a larger location and even more volunteers, we graciously served 1,100 families.
2016 was all God!  We set a goal and He knocked it out of the park with 1,300 families served! What a blessing to be able to help so many.  
2017 promised to glorify God by helping at least 1,300 families in our community.  With some major last minute help, we ended up with enough resources to bless 1,500!
We celebrated our 10th year in 2018 by serving 1,550 families a full box of food to take home and prepare for their families.  We had a record year in food & clothing collection and monetary giving to make that happen.  Thanks to all the volunteers who took part in each event 500 Turkeys held.  We believe that the Lord brings each guest and each volunteer to us to LOVE.
2019 was Gods biggest year yet serving 1700 families in our NW Indiana community.  We started out with a plan to feed 1500 but God provided the way to serve more.  We are always ready for His call.
2020 brought new changes to all our lives.  500 Turkeys is committed to the mission of Feeding Families Food & Faith.  When God calls we report for duty.  With an amazing team and the communities help, we were able to gift 1404 meals.  Even with the challenges that 2020 brought to all of us, you stepped up!  Thanks for all you do.

2021 was a blast!  The Turkey Team worked with this community to feed 1500 families for Thanksgiving as well as run our internal ministry Clothes N Prayers giving away free clothing 2 times a week throughout the year.

In 2022 & 2023 the Turkey Team of 18 devoted members was able to serve 1500+ meals to the NWI community in need.  None of this could be possible without the provision and grace of God and the amazing support of the community.  All collected food and funds was donated by caring men, women, families, churches, schools, organizations and local businesses from all over NW Indiana. Thanks to everyone who had a part in making it happen.

The team has already begun planning to fulfill the mission to Feed Families Food & Faith in 2024 while relying on God to lead us in all things.  Please consider joining us on the journey.


I am only one, but still I AM ONE.
I cannot do everything, but still I CAN DO SOMETHING.
And because I cannot do everything, I will NOT refuse
to do something that I CAN DO.



Thank You To Our 2024 Partners

Please contact us HERE if you are interested in sponsorship


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